
Coffeescript gotchas (part 4): Scope and Objects


This is the fourth and final part of the CoffeeScript gotchas series. On this part I’ll demonstrate Coffeescript’s syntactic sugar on Objects, constructors and classes! Ready, set, go…

Update: Table of contents
  1. CoffeeScript gotchas (part 1): Comments, strings, booleans, arrays and functions
  2. Coffeescript gotchas (part 2): Operators and aliases
  3. Coffeescript gotchas (part 3): Switch statement and loops
  4. Coffeescript gotchas (part 4): Scope and Objects


Probably the most valuable feature that CoffeeScript syntax offers at the moment. With the class keyword you can create a new class (CoffeeScript is using the constructor function under the hood) and with the extend keyword you can extend one. To make things even easier, CoffeeScript provides an initialization (aka constructor) function, in case you need it. Just use the contstructor method and you are ready to go. You can use the concept of super method which represents a reference to the superclass version of the method you’re in (very Ruby-like). I’m sure that all these will make more sense with the following example…

class Animal
  constructor: (@name) ->
  move: (meters) ->
    console.log "#{@name} moved #{meters} meters."

class Snake extends Animal
  move: ->
    console.log "Slithering..."
    super 5

class Horse extends Animal
  move: ->
    console.log "Galloping..."
    super 45

sam = new Snake "Sammy the Python"
tom = new Horse "Tommy the Palomino"



You can set up instance variables with the classic this Javascript keyword (CoffeeScript translates to Javascript after all), but you can save a couple of characters and maybe lines, by using the @ symbol. You can also save a couple of more lines by omitting the instance name.

class Animal
  constructor: (name, height, weight) ->
    @name = name
    @height = height
    @weight = weight

# same as above
class Animal
  constructor: (@name, @height, @weight) ->


Finally, if you want to pass an instance method as a callback, use the =>, also known as “fat arrow”. The “fat arrow” binds the object’s instance to this and makes your code easier to read. This will also be an ES6 feature, so it makes a lot of sense to get used to it.

class Message
  constructor: (@txt) ->
  thin: -> console.log @txt
  fat:  => console.log @txt

msg = new Message "yo"
msg.thin() # works
msg.fat()  # works

fn = (callback) -> callback()

fn(msg.thin) # => "undefined"
fn(msg.fat)  # works
fn(-> msg.thin()) # works

This has been the final part of the series - see you around and stay tuned.